Sunday, October 21, 2012

#8: Howard Zinn

Emily Nolen
Mr. Benton
English 102
Howard Zinn: 8
Howard Zinn was an American Academic Historian. He was different form many historians in that he told history form the point of view of the unpopular view. I applaud him for this. If it were not for him writing several books and teaching people may have never have learned about history from all sides. Not only was he a historian and teacher but also a civil rights and anti-war activist. He also encouraged his students to be disobedient citizens and fight for their rights and beliefs.
Not only did Howard encourage his students to fight for their rights and beliefs but would  lead them and try to help them regardless of what it would do to his career. For example, his students asked him to speak on their behalf. He gladly granted their request  even though he would be speaking against the people that were deciding if he would be getting tenure at the college. I think this says a lot about him as a person. He is willing to risk his job and reputation for what he believes in.
He was not only courageous for his students but also his country. He was an anti war activist he was actually in a war. I think his experience in the war gave his a great understanding of it that really hit him after the war. He was very adamant about his activism but did not believe in violence! He believed in using your words and large groups of people coming together for a common cause and not being afraid of the police. Being strong, non violent, disobedient citizens. 
Howard Zinn was a brave, courageous, strong willed, sharing man. He loved his job as a teacher and historian. I have a lot of respect for Zinn because of how strongly he believed in things and was willing to sacrifice a lot for what he believed. 

Works Cited
5544andrew. A People’s History: Howard Zinn, Youtube. 2008
Wikipedia:Howard Zinn

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

#7: Citations

Biller, Henry B. Creative fitness: applying health psychology and exercise science to everyday life. Westport, Conn.: Auburn House, 2002.

Bittman, Mark. Food matters: a guide to conscious eating with more than 75 recipes. NY.: Simons and Schuster, 2009.

Dychwald, Ken. ed.  Healthy aging: challenges and solutions.Gaithersburg, Md.: Aspen Publishers, 1999.

Lakford, Ronald D. Is organic food better?. Farmington Hill, MI.: Greenhaven Press, 2011.

Love, John F. McDonald's BEHIND THE ARCHES. Bantam, 1995.     Note ( does not say where is was published)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

#6: Fighting Back

Emily Nolen
English 102
Mr. Benton
September 10, 2012
Fighting Back
“We don’t want their seed, we don’t want their trespass and contamination, and we certainly do not want a lawsuit when we have done nothing wrong and are innocent victims.” (Gerittson). This is the thoughts of all organic farmers is North America directed to the corporate biotechnological farm company Monsanto. Monsanto grows all of their food in labs and owns the majority of the seed market  in North America. Monsanto also makes RoundUp, a herbicide. Monsanto’s plan is to take over the entire farming market by cutting out organic farmers. Not only does this destroy many American families out of life, but it also takes away the American peoples choice of genetically modified food or all natural food. Thankfully, organic farmers, seed companies, and other agricultural associates are fighting back by starting a law suit  before monsanto can sue the farmers and bankrupt them. Monsanto test the organic farmers crops, usually with out consent, for Monsanto products. To many people this sounds justified in order to make sure no one is stealing from them, but what they don’t realize is that factors out of the farmers control have put those products on his/her crops. Factors such as wind, pollen, birds, rain, ect. When Monsanto see’s that the crops test positive for their products regardless of how the product got there, the company sue’s the farmer for patent infringement and ends up putting the farmer out of business. This is so wrong. America needs to band together with these farmers and keep Monsanto from monopolizing the whole food market! We deserve the right to choose what kind of food we put into our bodies. Also, farming off of the land has been many Americans livelihood for centuries. If we let  Monsanto cut out natural farming we let them take away part of what America was founded on. 
Works Cited
Lekas, Anna. News Politics. Occupy vs. Monsanto: Activists, Farmers Fight the Corporation They Fear Will Take Over All America's Crops. Occupy vs. Monsanto: Activists, Farmers Fight the Corporation They Fear Will Take Over All America's Crops. Aleternet.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

#5: Emotional Blinding

Emily Nolen
English 102
Mr. Benton
Emotional Blinding
We have all been in a situation where we have been to emotional to see the truth. People have to most compassion for children and become very defensive when children are mistreated, because they are helpless. When we become emotional out first instinct is to find someone to blame. Our emotions make us careless and sloppy, this becomes a huge problem in the justice system! Innocent people are put behind bars because we let our emotions blind us to the facts of the case.
In “The Child Cases” it shows that many times the caregiver is the primary suspect in a child’s death. Many medical examiners notes showed imagined injuries. The chief medical examiner that was interviewed explained that it is very hard to keep disconnected from the case and look at the facts when there is a child involved and the swell of emotion the medical examiner feels can cause them to see things that are not there or not consider the whole picture such as pathology or medical history. There should be higher standers of examination when a child is involved due to the emotional conflict. The child’s body should examined by more than one doctor and should not come to a conclusion on a diagnosis with out considering the whole picture: physical exam, pathological exam, medical history, mothers medical history..ect. There were several instances in “The Child Cases” investigations where the examiner did not holistically consider the medical history and made a wrong diagnosis sending innocent people to prison.
When the innocent people are sent to prison and they either serve their time or are acquitted; their lives after prison are ruined by their record. It is almost impossible to find a job, their reputations are ruined, and they have missed all the events in their children’s and families lives. People must remember to stay objective and think of what their incompetence could mean to others. Broken families, lost jobs, bad reputations, and worst of all the children who have died families don’t truly know what happen to their child; so always remember to stay objective and don’t let your emotions blind you.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#4: Political View

Emily Nolen
Mr. Benton
English 102
August 29, 2012
Political View
America was founded on the idea of having the freedom and liberty to govern themselves. The only problem with the idea of a government by the people is that not all of the people take their responsibility to give their input by voting. For the reason that, the United States of America is such a large and diversely populated nation we must have structure, chains of command, and a way for people to be governed in order for there to be organization and so everyone’s voice can be heard. 
America is known as a melting pot full of all races and religions. Naturally not everyone’s view on political issues are going to be complimentary, so there must be a system for all citizens to have the opportunity to their voice considered among the masses. In order for everyone to be heard there must be a person to listen to them and extend their voice up the chain of command. There should be a person to represent a set number of people and holistically represent their views to those who can put them into action. These representative should be elected by the people they are representing! 
For all major decisions that will greatly affect the economics and or safety of the United States should be decided by all United States citizen. There should be a system in which all citizens can voice their opinion quickly and efficiently and the major decisions will be made based on the ideas of the largest percentage of the country.
I believe that a country should be run by it’s people! The best way for this to work is that each citizen takes their responsibility seriously and thinks critically about the decisions they make. Each decision made has consequences and people should consider all the ways those decisions will affect the country as a whole. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

#3: In Need of a New Enlightenment

Emily Nolen
Mr. Benton
English 102
#3: In Need of a New Enlightenment
The age of enlightenment in the 1700’s was when people changed their way of thinking. Before the enlightenment, people did not think critically but relied on religion and tradition to explain their way of life and the world around them. Critical thinking led to new forms of government, philosophy, religion, and the arts. I believe people have stopped thinking critically and developing new ways of thinking with our evolving society.
For example, American’s society is developing jobs for independent creative people, but the education system is all wrong for these people. When the first enlightenment came to America it was the time of our industrial revolution, and the majority of careers were in factories. Today, most factory jobs have been taken over by technology and now many jobs are geared toward the creative industries.  Therefore, more and more people are failing or dropping out of school because it is still tailored to teach masses of unique individuals as a standard package.  We need to begin a new age of enlightenment in education.
For decades, the education system has grouped students based on age alone. Other factors should be taken into account other than age, because everyone develops at a different rate and excel in different areas. For instance, two students of the same age see shapes and colors that student want to create something new; while the other will want to measure and compare to analyze the objects. These two students have different ways of thinking and therefore need to be taught using different teaching styles.
The education system as it is does not work in todays society. People and the culture they live in is constantly changing! People must continue to think critically and adapt the way we think and teach to reflect our constantly changing society.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#2: Out Smarting The Advertising Media

Emily Nolen
Mr. Benton
English 102
August 22, 2012
Media is all around us. You can't walk out side with out seeing some type of advertisement persuading you to think a certain way or in order to make a purchase.  Growing up in the interactive media generation, I felt much like Rushkoff in that I am immune to the trickery of advertisement and psychology. Now I see that the more guarded we are the more susceptible to the trickery. For example, when Rushkoff talks about the floor plans for department stores and shopping malls. I have found myself circling stores, too stubborn to ask for help, and the mall looking for the cash register. While I am on my embarrassed search to pay for my single item, I instead find myself picking up additional items! The psychologist trickery worked.
Rushkoff shows us in the end of his article that hidden persuasions are every where! He was persuading us even as we read the article. People must be aware at all times of what they are seeing, hearing, and reading because all these channels of communication have a message. Think critically about all the ways in which the message can be interpreted and decide how you are being affected by the message.
Also, you must be careful about what you put out for the public to see, because your message can be interpreted or used in multiple ways. In Rushkoff’s case, he put out information about how to defy the trickery of advertisement in the media, and his own information was used to produce new forms of advertisement that the new interactive audience would not see through.
Everyone must be thinking critically about what they are told to believe no matter what form of media the message is sent. Advertisement and media is constantly evolving with every effort to  evade their trickery. The only way to be sure you are making your own decisions is to listen to your instincts and think critically!

Monday, August 20, 2012

#1: Perspective

Emily Nolen
Mr. Benton
English 102
August 20, 2012

     Every thought and even self identity is based on individual perception. Individuals must be cognizant of what events have led  to the conclusions made about self identity and perspectives on the ways of the world. Each person has a singular view of how events, norms, and how value is earned or distributed based on the environment  that person has been raised in. For the reason that, an individuals culture could narrow the ability to think critically.
    Starting in early childhood, parents and other care givers shape what actions and beliefs are acceptable. For example, children in America are taught that education is an inevitable not an option in order for them to attain a career in which will lead to wealth and acceptance. On the contrary children raised in a poverty stricken country are taught it is acceptable to do what ever is necessary to simply survive in their environment. In effect, to the care givers standards of success is the life path and values these children will base their self worth and  identities.
     As children in America grow older, wealth is associated with power and success. All the paper value they accumulate is associated with material objects and control, while children from another country see that same paper with absolutely no value. The society in which these two groups where raised set different standards of what makes wealth and success, along with what actions will allow them to achieve that “success”.
     The small portion of the world a person is raised in sets the mind frame of what is success and   who has the power in individual societies. As critical thinkers, people must learn to broaden their mind to the whole world around them and try to see the world through all the people’s perspectives.